Perfect for homeowners who want the natural sight, sound and tranquility of a waterfall without the maintenance of a pond.

A pond-less waterfall is a re-circulating water feature (waterfall and or stream) without the need for a pond.

Space: the pond-less waterfall can range in size. It works well if you are limited with space. It can easily fit into a small corner of your yard, be an extension of your patio, front walkway, etc.

Maintenance: they are the easiest water feature to maintain. They require occasional algea control, depending on sunlight exposure. There is no pond cleanup. A very low-maintenance option!


Safety: you don’t have the liability and safety issues associated with a pond. They can be easily turned on and off when needed. When turned off, the water disappears below ground.

Perfect for small children and pets.

Flexibility: if desired, you can easily add on a pond at a later time,  allowing you to keep fish and grow a larger variety of aquatic plants.