Spring Planters

Spring Planters

Spring Planters!

Contact us soon and let us create a one-of-a-kind early spring display for your home or office.

We can compose bright and beautiful displays before EASTER, to welcome your family and friends!



Don’t Miss the Bulb Season

Don’t Miss the Bulb Season


Spring blooming bulbs, such as tulips and daffodils, should be planted in fall.

Spring blooming bulbs start to show their color as early as March and can continue well into June.

To assure a burst of spring color, plant your spring bulbs now!

We can work within your budget to create a beautiful spring display in your garden.

If interested, please contact me so I can order enough bulbs for the season!

Fall Is The Best Time For Planting

Fall Is The Best Time For Planting

Did you know that fall is the best time for planting?

Often people think about those things when Spring is peeping it’s head around the corner, but fall has all the weather requirements to help your efforts yield healthy and vibrant plants.

The cooler weather reduces water requirements and the shorter days mean that photosynthesis slows down.

Also, there is less water loss due to evaporation. New root growth is encouraged without new top growth. Since plants are preparing for winter they stop putting energy into top growth. This means more energy is concentrated in the root growth.

This allows the plants to establish themselves before winter. The cooler weather also creates less stress on the plants….and on people!

Please contact me for ideas or for a free estimate.

Thanks for reading.

Pond-less Waterfalls

Pond-less Waterfalls

Perfect for homeowners who want the natural sight, sound and tranquility of a waterfall without the maintenance of a pond.

A pond-less waterfall is a re-circulating water feature (waterfall and or stream) without the need for a pond.

Space: the pond-less waterfall can range in size. It works well if you are limited with space. It can easily fit into a small corner of your yard, be an extension of your patio, front walkway, etc.

Maintenance: they are the easiest water feature to maintain. They require occasional algea control, depending on sunlight exposure. There is no pond cleanup. A very low-maintenance option!


Safety: you don’t have the liability and safety issues associated with a pond. They can be easily turned on and off when needed. When turned off, the water disappears below ground.

Perfect for small children and pets.

Flexibility: if desired, you can easily add on a pond at a later time,  allowing you to keep fish and grow a larger variety of aquatic plants.

Proper Pruning Techniques

Proper Pruning Techniques

Objectives of Pruning

Deciduous Shrubs:
  • Remove damaged or diseased branches or canes.
  • Help control size of plant.
  • Increase the flower and fruit production.
  • Improve structure.
  • Control size.
  • Remove diseased and dead branches.
  • Correct poor branching (cross branching, rubbing branches, sucker growth, water sprouts).
Young Trees: Should be pruned regularly to achieve strong branching structure, maintaining a single leader when possible. Prune cuts should be made near the base of branch, not leaving a stub.

Types of Pruning

Rejuvenation: Usually done on older shrubs that have not been maintained. A shrub can be given a new life by pruning all stems to ground level. Shrubs that benefit from this type of pruning are;
  • Forsyhthia
  • Privet
  • Weigela
  • Spirea
*Best done in late winter/early spring.  
Heading Back: Used to control size of plant and to create balance in the branching structure. Remove branches all the way back to a lateral branch or to a vital bud.
Renewal: Similar to rejuvenation pruning but done over 3 year period. 1/3 of the oldest and overgrown branches or canes are removed. New growth emergences where branches are removed resulting in a more vigorous shrub that produces more flowers and fruit. *Best done when plant is dormant.
Shearing: For formal hedges. For optimum health of plant, bottom of hedge should be kept wider then top to allow sunlight to reach low branches. *Best time is after new growth is complete.

Time To Prune

Deciduous Shrubs: Plants that flower on previous years growth should be pruned right after they bloom. These shrubs establish their flower buds the previous year and bloom in the spring.  
  • Forsyhthia
  • Lilac
  • Mockorange
  • Quince
  • Viburnum
  • Fothergilla
Shrubs that establish their flower buds on current years’ wood should be pruned in late winter/early spring (dormancy) before buds break.  
  • Buckeye
  • Hydrangea
  • Ninebark
  • Hypericum
Trees: Winter is the best time to prune most all trees. It’s much easier to see the branching structure of the tree when there are no leaves. There is less opportunity to spread disease and attract insects. Evergreens: Evergreens should be pruned later during the growing season since they never become fully dormant.
Final Note: Anytime there is diseased, dead or damaged branches,  they should be removed, regardless of time of year. Winter is a good time to prune most all trees and shrubs. If you can brave the cold, you’ll have one less project to do in the busy spring season. Sanitize pruning tools to prevent the spread of bacteria and fungi. Rubbing alcohol works well after you’ve washed off any soil or debris.

Stefanie’s Gingko Ltd Landscaping Design and Construction Burr Ridge, IL.  Serving the community for 30 years.